Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the AAUW Fort Collins Branch. Become a part of advancing equity for women and girls! Join today!
AAUW Membership: Membership in AAUW is open to any woman or man holding an Associate Degree or higher from a qualified U. S. educational institution; being certified as a Registered Nurse; a degree from a foreign institution recognized by AAUW or a foreign degree at an accredited U. S. graduate school. Membership is not by invitation; persons interested in membership are always provided information and welcomed.
Dues are $98 for regular membership, which include a subscription to the AAUW Outlook, the AAUW Colorado Bulletin, and the Fort Collins Branch newsletter. National dues are $72, State are $10 and local Branch dues are $16.
As a member you will have the opportunity to 1) make a difference in our community; 2) shape public policy, 3) apply for an action grant; 4) further your professional development.
For more information about how to become a member, please contact Barb.